Autism awareness around the world

This year, on the 2nd of April, we celebrate the ninth annual World Autism Awareness Day! And, if you didn’t know, the whole of April is World Autism Awareness Month, too! We would like to share what’s happening around the world in conjunction with World Autism Awareness Day this year.

Autism Awareness In Malaysia

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that cannot be cured
through medication. It is a lifelong and pervasive disorder which means that individuals diagnosed with
the disorder have needs that are extensive.

EAP Honour Moment

One of our core values here at EAP Malaysia is Honour. We strongly believe in honouring each and every one of our team members, regardless of their position.

Welcome Back!

Happy New Year! It’s back to school for us at EAP Malaysia! We are more than excited to take on 2016 and we can’t wait to share with you the happenings at EAP Malaysia for the year.

EAP Resource – DIY Christmas Wreath

In conjunction with this festive season, here’s a simple arts and crafts you can do with your child! It’s safe with little chance of failure, and most of all, fun! There are many ways to make your very own Christmas wreath, but here’s one of the most simple ways to do so.

EAP Annual Dinner 2015

Over the weekend, EAP Malaysia celebrated and honoured our team members for all their hard work and efforts in what they do, for the passion they have in changing the kids’ lives, for choosing autism. We hosted our Annual Dinner to celebrate all that has happened throughout the year, the big and the small, the milestones and the achievements. The theme of the night was Beauty and The Beast, and there was not a single person who did not look like they were going for a formal ball! It was definitely a sight to see.

EAP on The Bella Show

We had the honour of being featured live on The Bella Show, NTV7, last week, where our very own director, Jochebed Isaacs, spoke about autism, its symptoms, diagnosis and the need for awareness.

Moving Forward (Part 1)

EAP was recently asked the question of what are the necessary steps a school should take in order to successfully integrate a child with autism to school. While there are a number of specific recommendations ranging from minor adaptations to the school facility to human resource development, the change starts with a change of mindset.

EAP Hooray Moment

This month, we would like to celebrate one of our kids who has been with us for over 2 years. Being a non-verbal child, the biggest milestone for us was when he started to verbalize again in May 2015 after a year after he has stopped doing so