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Did You Know? – Family Edition

Raising children with autism is not an easy feat. However, it is as rewarding and fulfilling as it can get. There has been many videos, stories and news articles focused on families affected by autism, be it from a parent’s or sibling’s point of view. Also, in conjunction with Mother’s Day and Father’s day, this series of news pieces will be all about family.

A Very Special Mother’s Day Duet

First up, we have a mother, talking about her 13-year-old daughter with autism, and how far she’s come. The video continues with a special duet between them of one of the girl’s favourite songs.


A Family With Superpowers And Their Outlook On Autism

Rather than focus on the negativity that the term “disorder” could bring to their lives and to their children, the Evans family opened up about their family super power: autism. “They are not their diagnosis. This is something they happen to have, but it’s not who they are,” said their mum. Read more on this inspiring real life story here.

What These People Don’t Want You To Assume About Their Siblings With Autism

People who have a sibling on the spectrum were asked to share what they wish others understood about their lives. From false assumptions people make about their siblings with autism and the challenges they face as a family, to what their brothers and sisters have taught them, this video shows how special and meaningful a relationship between siblings can be.


I Have Autism And This Is A Poem To My Little Bro On The Spectrum

Now both of us are grown up
And dealing with grown up stuff
We both have to learn to live on the autism spectrum
To Shine our bright colors as a matter a factum!

Julie Code, a 34-year-old with autism wrote a very touching poem (excerpt above) about her brother who is now 24-years-old and also has autism. Read the poem here.

  1. A Very Special Mother’s Day Duet (2015, May 10). Autism Speaks. Retrieved from
  2. Bologna, C (2016, May 2). What These People Don’t Want You To Assume About Their Siblings With Autism. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from
  3. Hanson, K (2016, April 5). A family with superpowers and their outlook on autism. Daily Herald. Retrieved from
  4. I have autism and this is a poem to my little bro on the spectrum (2016). Autism Speaks. Retrieved from