World Autism Awareness Month 2018 Highlights April is always a big month for us here at EAP, because it is World Autism Awareness Month!
Structured Independent Activities – Interactive Play Ideas For Your Child With Autism Hey everyone! We are back with the third part of our Interactive Play Idea series and this time we have structured independent activities!
How To Prepare Your Child WIth Autism For Hari Raya Hari Raya is just around the corner and we just want to share with you some of our top tips in preparing your child with…
We Appreciate All Fathers With Kids With Autism We would like to take a short moment to appreciate all fathers out there with kids with autism. We know that it can be tough…
Interactive Play Ideas For Your Child With Autism - Outdoor activities and physical play We've compiled more interactive play ideas that are easy and relevant as a continuation to our first interactive play video!
Interactive Play Ideas for Your Child with Autism It can be difficult for parents to engage and play with your child with autism. Especially with hectic schedules, it can be hard for parents…
EAP Family Day Highlights 2017 Every year, we at EAP host our Annual Family Day to celebrate Mother's Day as well as the upcoming Father's Day as well as all…
To Our Beloved Mothers Awhile ago we received an email from a parent sharing with us her challenges in obtaining a diagnosis and finding help in Malaysia
World Autism Awareness Month Highlights 2017 We are in the final week of World Autism Awareness Month for the year and we have had an incredible month raising autism awareness and…
Dance for Hope Highlights 2017 In conjunction with Word Autism Awareness Month this year, a group of like-minded individuals came together for an awareness and fundraising campaign called Dance for Hope