World Autism Awareness Month 2022
April is always a special month here in EAP Malaysia. With World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) falling on the 2nd of April, we celebrate World Autism Awareness Month (WAAM) every April, with an exciting lineup of activities and events aimed to raise awareness throughout the month. This year, we organised a series of activities including a WAAD Premiere online webinar, Social Media Campaigns, Autism Awareness Campaigns, as well as collaborated with external parties to raise awareness on autism! We are thankful to the efforts from all parties involved in reaching out and raising awareness on autism among the community. With that, here are some highlights of WAAM 2022!
Internal Celebrations
With blue as the colour of autism, both our centres at EAP Bangsar and Sunway were fa-blue-lously decorated according to the WAAM theme!
We also had WAAD activities for our kiddos! Look how much fun they had!
Not forgetting our team of dedicated therapists – the heroes behind-the-scenes who pour out their hearts every day to make a difference in the lives of the children!
WAAD Premiere Webinar
During the WAAD premiere webinar, we also launched our 2022 Kindness Campaign Video, telling the story of hope of a family with 4 children, 2 of whom are on the autism spectrum, as well as our brand new website!
New look on our brand new website!
Social media campaigns
EAP continued to run social media campaigns to raise awareness and acceptance on autism!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have jumped on board to support and raise awareness on autism through your social media platforms. Check out some of the awe-inspirational posts we had this year:
Autism Awareness Campaigns
One of the most exciting events would be the Autism Awareness Campaigns that we conduct in schools and corporate settings. This year, we collaborated with schools and corporate organisations, where we gave talks in an attempt to spread awareness on autism.
IPG Mediabrands Talk
Treetop International School
Sunway University
External Collaborations
We also collaborated with various external parties of big and small businesses, with a big heart for a good cause.
GSC Movie Screenings
Afterburn-Workout Classes
Sunway Parenthood
Scoby Cafe
Dough Little Playdough
BASKL Media Interview
Te’Ja Studio
Merchandise sales to raise funds for The Hope Project
Not forgetting our awesome merchandise! This year, we launched a new set of merchandise, ranging from dry-fit t-shirts to umbrellas, face masks and hand sanitisers. All funds raised from the sales of these merchandise are channelled towards our non-profit arm, The Hope Project. For more information about The Hope Project, check it out here!
If you’re interested in getting one of your own, check out the merchandise here at our online store!
We may be nearing the end of WAAM, but there is no stop in spreading kindness and raising awareness! Please feel free to contact us through The Hope Project or email to if you would like to partner with us to raise awareness on autism! Sales of our autism awareness merchandise on our online store are still ongoing, and you can also check out our online resource platform, Autism At Home for all the useful free resources! Do stay tuned on our social media platforms on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or visit our official website to learn more about autism and join us in raising awareness on autism!